Coals Mines, Repository of Linguistic Diversity
Coal Mine, Worker, Repository, LanguagesAbstract
Balochistan is the largest province of Pakistan in terms of area , and it has long history behind it , the province is mostly mountainous the 70% of Baluchistan’s land is consist of mountains but the province is also rich in agriculture and livestock, the population is less as compare to its area or land and it has scattered population, it also has the world’s oldest civilization such as MHER Gard civilization historic and prehistoric evidences prove this statement, the land of Balochistan has seen several kind of invaders in the history, it is gate way to central Asia, the province is rich in archeological sites, the province is well famous regarding its fruits and natural minerals, 39 type of minerals has been exploited in province till 2008, this paper discuss the multiculturalism and bilingualism in especial context of Balochistan, as discussed Balochistan is bucket of several cultures and languages, it is very much rich in the context of culture, the vast area of Balochistan has huge and rich cultures inside it, the Pashtoon and Baloch are the two big nations who have been living on this land for centuries, and both nations have their rich culture in their daily life and both are very much cultural in their daily routine. The natural minerals have been mining before partition, the workers from all over the country are found on this land even large number of workers also come from the neighbor country Afghanistan, coal mining is carried out in six districts of Balochistan where workers have been mining , there major number of workers can be found from KPK province and also there is enough number of workers who belong to Hazara tribe who speak Hazargi language and they have their own language and culture, in Mach coal fields the several languages and cultures are found.
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