Perceptions of EFL Intermediate Students Toward Authentic Material: A Comparative Study of Two Colleges of Quetta, Balochistan
Authentic material, communicative language teaching (CLT), and English as a foreign language (EFL)Abstract
This study intends to investigate the perceptions of EFL college students toward the use of the authentic material in EFL classroom. A total of 311college students in which 160boys and 151 girls students participated from two public colleges of Quetta, Balochistan province of Pakistan. The researcher employed quantitative research design to answer two research questions of the study. The quantitative data was obtained through the survey questionnaire. Initially, to respond to the first research question of the study, descriptive statistics was performed in SPSS, and to answer the second research question,independent simplest-test was also run in SPSS to check thestatistical significant difference between boys and girls college students. The findings revealed that college students showed positive response towards the use of the authentic material in the EFL classroom. In addition, the results of independent samples t-test showed the boys’ college students emphasized more use of authentic material than girls’ students. These findings have implications for both curriculum designers and English language teaching in the Pakistani context.
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