A Study of Slave Psychology as a Result of Slavery in The Context of the Color Purple


  • Nida Batool M.Phil Scholar SBK Women’s University.
  • Mehwish Malghani Assistant Professor SBK Women’s University.
  • Prof .Dr. Faria Saeed Professor, University of Balochistan, Quetta




Slavery, psychology, oppressed, behavior.


Slavery is an issue of great importance in American history. It affected black generation very badly and imprinted unforgettable impacts on their lives. Alice Walker’s The Color Purple (1982), Pulitzer Prize winner novel is a remarkable work which has been written in Afro-American scenario. Present study aims to investigate the psychological effects of slavery on behavior of slaves and their imitation of their oppressors. Current study signifies the basic psychological impacts produced by oppression and gives information about slave psychology. The prime importance of present work is that it draws a relationship between literature and psychology, and describes the significance of literature for studying human mind and behavior. In accordance with current research work Frantz Fanon’s theory of Alienation and Psychology of Oppressed (1961) has been followed. Qualitative mode of paradigm has been used and data has been analyzed textually. Present work has found that slavery has immense affects on slaves’ mind set. They unintentionally imitate their masters and try to become tyrant like them and show their violence towards weaker. 


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Study of Slave Psychology as a Result of Slavery in  The Context of the Color Purple




How to Cite

Nida Batool, Mehwish Malghani, & Prof .Dr. Faria Saeed. (2017). A Study of Slave Psychology as a Result of Slavery in The Context of the Color Purple. Al-Burz, 9(1), 168–182. https://doi.org/10.54781/abz.v9i1.110


